Sunday, March 4, 2007

i hate writing papers when i'm tired!!

update on Qur'an paper... sentence number one written!! sha bang. yeah... that's the weakest sha bang of my LIFE!

this is SOO freakin hard. i'm stucker than stuck than stucky can be.

oh WHERE are amandolin and al-e-cin when you need them!?! oh yeah, spring break... oh to be on spring break...

i need to sing myself a motivational song...
wait, or tell myself a motivational story...
here we go...

once upon a time there was a baby camel.
this baby camel lived in siwa, a desert oasis in egypt.
well, one day the baby camel went on a long trip deep into the sahara desert.
the baby camel drank a lot of water and filled it's humps before it left for the trip.
the desert trip was a blast for the baby camel;
the camel met many new friends in the desert and even located a few desert flowers,
learned how to sand board and even hit up a hot spring...
however, on the way back to siwa, the baby camel was spooked by a band of wild coyotes
the coyotes luckily did not see the baby camel, (or it would have been camel meat!)
but the baby camel ran far in an unknown direction and found itself very, very lost.
four days later, the water supply in the baby camel's humps were running low
the baby camel finally met a raven that pointed it in the direction of siwa,
but the raven informed the camel that it was a 2 day flight to siwa if he flew straight through quickly
the baby camel followed the raven's directions but began to get very afraid
water = life, especially in the desert, and without humps full of water, the baby camel was surely lost
on the 6th day the baby camel was very weak and tired and longed to just rest and sleep
but the baby camel knew deep down that if it stopped moving it would never make it home to siwa
so the baby camel pressed on repeating over and over again,
"i can do it! i can do it! i CAN do it!"
sure enough, on the morning of the seventh day, the city of siwa came into view
suddenly, the camel was fueled with an incredible energy and finished the trip by galloping through the desert into the small town of siwa
the baby camel was greeted by loving family camel members and even better,
the baby camel filled its humps with enough water to last it for a week!
the end.

why can't my paper be like that? i could write about camels ALL DAY!!
ok, but it's not... it's on the jinn...
and i'm a little baby camel lost in the desert... my humps are running out and seeming to not sustain me... but I CAN DO IT!!! this paper will get done and i WILL make it to siwa!

you can do it, kara, you CAN do it!
well... i think so....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE YOU KARA JOY!!!!!!!!! Your story was HILLARIOUS!! Just like you. Oh to be a baby camel with humps full of water. I'm sure your humps have been restored. I'm glad to hear that you finally got your paper done.... and absolutely loved your mt. siani story with the snorkling. GOSH!! I wish I was there experiencing all of this with you. That is so fun!

I love you and am praying for you.

Oh. Remember that thing that we've been praying about together -- I have come to a very comfortable peace about that situation. I had a great lunch conversation with Michelle on Thursday.... and It's going to be OK. Jesus is so good!!

I love you!