Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Plethora of Pictures

Dearest Persons,
When I was in America this past weekend, I had access to super fast wireless internet, and so in between convos with all of you wonderful people so dear to my heart, I uploaded this plethora of pictures. I shall write a caption about each one soon... but not tonight. :) I love you!! Keep trusting in Jesus! Keep loving Jesus! Never stop trusting in Jesus!
Trusting In His Mighty Grip,
Your Kara Joy


Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Kara! It's been so long! I'm so excited for you that you're spending the semester in Egypt. I'm sorry for you and your family's loss, but I'm glad you were able to come home for the funeral...

I actually was at the Adventure church a couple months ago and saw that your brother was leading worship. He does a mighty good job too.

I hope you have a good rest of your semester in Egypt.

-Denise (from Olivet)

Anonymous said...

hi, i am a former mesper and just happened to stumble upon your blog. it has been such a joy to read through your experiences and see the pictures. i have the same ones only with different people! anyway, i pray that this experience is as life changing for you as it was for me. i am still trying to process it all! relieving it all through your blog has sort of helped me breathe thanks! and God bless!