Monday, March 5, 2007

please think and respond...

Dearest Persons,

I have several thoughts to throw out there... just watched a disturbing film on propaganda and there is so much running through my mind... please feel free to comment a reply.

1. Why are we as Americans quick to defend democracy (in general)... does challenging government really mean that we are not loyal to that government? Isn't that supposed to be the beauty of democracy... we challenge and question and put our support and make our voice known according to those questions that we arouse? If you agree with me that challenging the government does not make us Anti-American or non-nationalist, then will you please take a look at our democracy? Our government? What are we really standing for? Where are our tax dollars being sent? I'm talking world wide. Is America representing your voice overseas the way you'd like for it to? Because you should know that the way American policy goes down overseas is equated with the people of America and it is assumed that the American people are fully informed and aware of what is going on overseas and that they agree with what is taking place.

2. Have you ever heard of "occupation"? Do you know what it means that Israel is "occupying" the Western Bank and the places of Palestinian homes and lands? Israel, the Jewish people, have a right to a state, true? One where they can live and worship and be free to govern themselves. America recognizes this. But my question... do not the Palestinian people have just as much a right to their own state, their own homes, their own lands? We hear a lot about suicide bombing, and no, it is not right to kill oneself or to create terror... America is at war with terrorism! Yet, at the same time, how do we overlook what is really taking place in Israel? Israel is "occupying" the West Bank, illegally in international standards. They are "annexing", only doing so discretely to our knowledge in the States.... Well, this is what I've heard. I encourage you to look into this issue and rely not just on USA news reports... Can suicide bombing be justified for the Palestinian people when daily Israeli troops are confining them to their homes and demolishing their homes and continuing to establish Jewish settlements? Or, are you instead going to dismiss this question and side with the popular belief that Israel is oppressed and are "reacting" rather than possibly being the oppressors? Have you ever stopped and thought of this before? Is it possible that Israel is actually an oppressor? Come on Americans, think.

3. What can we do? If you take time and examine the above two in-depth questions... you begin to look at America's policy world wide, based not on what our media tells you but based on truth, compared to news reports around the world, based on what really happened (there are two sides, or more, to every story), you discover how our interests determine our policy and actions, and if you examine the current Israel-Palestinian conflict, or even another conflict in the world currently like that of Sudan or Iraq and Iran or even Burma and Thailand, and you become disturbed as I am by what is going on in our world and the United State's lack of involvement or involvement in what seems to be wrong approaches, you will probably find yourself asking... Well, what in the world can I do? Did you know that your voice counts!?! Other than pray for the nations of the world and our own government, we can make a difference by letting our voice be heard. I am SO totally serious. I know that sounds cliche, but it's so not! Americans... we have the beauty of democracy because we are "one nation for the people by the people"... how can our representatives represent us if we do not let our voice be heard? When was the last time you wrote a note to your state representative in the House? Or when was the last time you wrote a note to your governor or your representative to the state government? I don't know if I can emphasize HOW MUCH THESE LETTERS MATTER!!!

Your words are taken seriously. It's not like writing to Santa Claus... someone WILL get your words and if enough of us start showing concern about the international community and the way that the US is reacting slash not reacting it will be taken seriously and this is the only way that we can invoke change in our policy. Sure, y'all can vote next year... but why isn't being heard an every day occurrence? I'd like to give you the opportunity to send a note to your state representative in the House and I am dead serious about these questions.

It is good to critique our government. It is good to expand our world view and think about life in a deeper spectrum rather than just what kind of cheese you'll put on your sandwich tomorrow. It is good to search for truth. Do not be afraid to make your voice known. Sure, you may feel ignorant or misinformed, but how do you get away from that? By starting to talk, by starting to learn. The more that I listen here in Egypt and not just listen but begin to talk it out, the more vulnerable I become to sounding ignorant, yet the more informed and enlightened I become at the same time. Does all of this make sense to you, or am I just going off on a tangent? I am so serious about this, I wish I could sit down and talk about our government with each one of you and emphasize to you that YOUR VOICE COUNTS! You make a difference! You have the power to bring about change. Even if you're reading this and you're not 18 yet, you can't vote... you can start right now to broaden your thinking and inform yourself intentionally about the world. Our representatives are waiting to hear from you. Will you step out and make your thoughts be known?

To Contact your State Representative in Office go to...
Click on your state, and then click "Contact My Representative"
Fill out the following information and then write a note and make your voice heard.

The following are some verses on justice I encourage you to read through and consider as you begin to start looking around at our government and our world and possibly change the lenses through which you are looking.

Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly. -Leviticus 19:15

Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. -Deuteronomy 16:19

For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face. -Psalm 11:7

It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice. -Proverbs 18:5

Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully. -Proverbs 28:5

When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." For the mouth of the LORD has spoken. -Isaiah 1:15-20

Dearest Persons... please know that I love you. Please know that I love America and do believe that we are so blessed to be a part of such an incredible country. Yet at the same time, I do not want to remain ignorant, especially when I can do two tangible things that just take time: pray and write my representative. I would really really love it if you would respond to this post. Be blunt and honest with me. If you disagree with me, then let it be known! If you agree, then let it be known as well! If something about this post strikes a chord with you or causes you to think about an issue different or even brings up a question you have... will you please voice that and share it with me in comment form? You don't have to have a special account to leave me a message... just click where it says comments, write me a message, sign your name and click "anonymous". I'd really REALLY like to hear all of your thoughts on my questions.
You are in my thoughts, prayers and heart.
I love you!
In His Mighty Grip,
Your Kara Joy


Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Thank you Kara for being willing to voice your thoughts whether people will like them or not!

I have a people there hate people from the US? I've been to Latin America twice and learned a lot about how people in other countries feel about the US...they view us as a big bully who always wants to butt into other people's business...

Denise K

Tommy Bailey said...

Hey Kara!

I ask these same types of questions every day. As an American I am loyal to this country, but I am citizen of the Kingdom of God first and foremost and much of what happens in and out of the United States Government is against the attributes of the Kingdom of God as Jesus describes it. What do you think?

Kara Joy said...

Hey Denise...
So I wouldn't say that people here hate the US but tension is definitely growing. There are so many misconceptions about our country and our people. Many here think that we think all Middle Easterners are terrorists. And they AREN'T!!! So often I will get into a taxi and the driver will say to me "Not a terrorist, I not a terrorist!" And that just blows my mind and makes me so sad to think that he feels as if he must prove himself to me.
Much of the resentment towards the US currently stems from the lack of initiative on our part to solve the Palestinan-Israeli conflict and create peace, and it also comes from the Iraq War and the dynamics involved there. If you ask almost any Middle Eastern they will tell you that America was wrong to invade Iraq, but please do not leave because that would be like genocide and destroy the country. The feelings towards the US are so complicated... because this region depends on our support, so they do not hate us but I would describe attitudes and possibly frustrated or exasperated by misunderstanding at our actions and policy.

Hey Tommy...
I completely agree that so much of what happens in and out of the United States Government is against the attributes of the Kingdom of God as Jesus described it... and that is why I even ask these questions because it disturbs my heart to live in a country that claims to be "One Nation under God" and yet so often acts like the complete opposite of anything remotely godly. This is why I find it so important that we make our voice heard as Christians and I am adamant about standing up for the truth and what it looks like to really be a lover and follower of Christ and God... it sure doesn't look like our government. No offense.