Thursday, April 19, 2007

Travel Component Pictures... Part 1 :)

Dearest Persons,
So, here are the other set of pictures from our travel component!! I hope you enjoy!! And love them and the places along with me... it was sooo much fun!

This is in Istanbul, Turkey... the first country we came to, and my ultimate favorite country so far in the world!
We are standing in Europe... across the bridge is Asia... how suh-wheat is that!?!

Baked Potatoes in Turkey were THE most amazing things ever... and they had wicked toppings!! Like no joke! This is me and Courtney sharing our first Turkey potato ever! And, as Todd would say, it was "De-LISH!!"

Beth and Amy with their spicy potatoe!

And this is a baked potato topping bar...

All the guys!
All the ladies!
SOOK!!! This is one of the many sooks, or markets slash bazaars that we went to...
So... this was THE most incredible moment ever... Grandma Burkey always used to bring us Kinder Eggs after she traveled overseas... I told Todd and Justin about this and then Todd insisted on sharing one with me while Justin took a little photo shoot of us. I can not even begin to express how much this meant to me and just made me smile!

What's inside!?!
That right there is SHEER JOY written on my face. Thanks Justin and Todd. You guys are amazing. Grandma Burkey... I miss you and love you sooo much and am so glad you introduced Kinder Eggs to me so many years ago!

Sitting on Ataturk's lap... Ataturk is the founder of Turkey... he changed their language and modernized the country... it's an AMAZING story if you ever want to study a country that made a 180 degree change in a matter of a few years... today the once Middle Eastern country is completely different than the other Middle Eastern countries and is on it's way... well, Inshaallah, to the European Union.

This is Ankara... HA!!! On Kara!!! :)

Here we are playing on a playground on a slide by the Salt Sea in Turkey... not the Red or Dead but the Salt.

Hope you liked the pictures!
Love you and miss you and looking forward to seeing you SO SOON!!
In His Mighty Grip,
Your Kara Joy

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